Gobble Gobble

Well, Turkey Day is here again, and it’s been some time since I last posted about Thanksgiving.  This year is obviously different.  This virus has complicated so many things about our way of life.  Not just here in the US, but all around the world.  Thanksgiving is a family event, and most of us won’t have our family with us.

This year son-the-elder is hosting our little gathering.  It will be family only, so people we are in contact with on a regular basis.  While this isn’t true isolation, it is safe enough for me.  If things get too crazy, and people I don’t know start showing up, I’ll give my thanks to everyone and have to leave.  Everyone understands that, so if it happens, it happens.

What won’t happen is this –

I wanted to have the full episode, but this was all I could find.

Well at least I hope it won’t happen!


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Skeeters Family

P.S. Next year my birthday falls on Thanksgiving!


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